- Excercises Covered:
- Surya A & B (Full)
- Utthita Parsvakonasana (Modified A & B)
- Utthita Padangusthasana (Modified A) Use Wall
- Utkatasana
- Warrior A & B
- Urdhva Dhanuranasana (half-bridge hands back)
- Padmasana
- Closing Mantra
- Savasana
Accessible and safe for all
- Strong and effective cardio work
- Detox efficacy increased
- Learn the Counts and Vinyasas
- Builds stamina
- Burns fat
- Barometer for the breath
- Points to the Asanas that need more work
- Teaches «Drishti» (gaze): «posture»; and «breath sequence»
Mat, Bloc & a Towel